To apply a heading style, select the text you want to format, then choose the desired heading in the Styles group on the Home tab. This has been asked multiple times before, for example here. But on Mac OS X this option is not available. In the table of contents above, each chapter uses a heading style, so there are four sections. Check the Create Bookmarks using headings check box. When you insert the table of contents, it will create a section for each heading. You can insert a table in Word for Mac by choosing from a selection of preformatted tables or by selecting the number of rows and columns that you want. If you apply a heading style, you're telling Word that you've started a new part of your document. Styles also serve another important purpose: adding a hidden layer of organization and structure to your document. If you've already read our Applying and Modifying Styles lesson, you know they're an easy way to add professional text formatting to different parts of your document. A: What you need to do is right-click on the picture and select Format Picture. However, with the right formatting, Word can create and update a table of contents automatically. Q: Whenever I insert or delete text in Microsoft Word, the pictures I. And if you ever decide to rearrange your sections or add more information, you'll have to update everything all over again.
You could create a table of contents manually-typing the section names and page numbers-but it would take a lot of work.