I want to recall a message in - Outlook, Double-click the message you want to recall to open it (otherwise, the option won't be available). To turn on the undo send option: At the top of the page, select Settings > View all Outlook settings. You can delay sending your message for 5 or 10 seconds.
How to Recall an Email in Outlook, Resend an email message: Click on the Actions icon to expand 3) From the dialog Click on the folder to locate the 2) Once the e-mail message is open, locate the Actions icon under the Message tab. Posted: How to Recall an Email in Outlook 365 1) Outlook 365 by default saves a copy of the sent emails in the Sent Items folder. If your account is a Microsoft Exchange account and your email message recipients Duration: 2:27.How do I recall a message I've already sent?, Try it!
You recall the original message and replace it with a new How to Undo an Email in Gmail or Outlook 365 in a Few Seconds, Message recall is available after you click Send and is available only if both you and the recipient have a Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account in You send an e-mail message to someone.